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Практика IELTS

Практический курс IELTSПрактический курс IELTS

"IELTS: Practice Tests 1" is designed to help all students prepare for the IELTS examination.
There are two versions of the test book - one with an answer key for home study, and one without an answer key, suitable for use in class.
Each version contains four complete tests for the Academic module, with two separate Reading and Writing sections for the General Training candidates.
Both editions include an introduction to the exam, details of how it is graded, helpful tips for students and the full transcript of the Listening section.
The With Answers edition also contains an answer key to the Reading and Listening sections, sample essays for the Writing module and two model scripts for the Speaking test.
The Listening tests follow the style and timing of the actual exam, and the recordings feature a variety of different accents.

IELTS: Practice Tests 1: Student's Book | James Milton, Huw Bell, Peter Neville | Купить IELTS: Practice Tests 1: Student's Book | James Milton, Huw Bell, Peter Neville | Купить

IELTS Practice Tests 2 is designed to help all students prepare for the IELTS examination.
There are two versions of the test book, one with an answer key for home study and one without an answer key suitable for use in class. Each version contains four complete tests for the Academic module with two separate Reading and Writing sections for the General Training candidates. Both editions include an introduction to the exam, how it is graded, helpful tips for students and the full transcript of the listening sections, sample essays for the Writing module and two model scripts for the Speaking test. The Listening tests follow the style and timing of the actual exam and the cassette recordings feature a variety of different accents.

IELTS: Practice Tests 2 with Answers | James Milton, Huw Bell, Peter Neville | Купить IELTS: Practice Tests 2 with Answers | James Milton, Huw Bell, Peter Neville | Купить

Вашему вниманию предлагается аудиокурс "IELTS: Practice: Tests 1" на 2 CD.

IELTS: Practice: Tests 1 (аудиокурс на 2 CD) | James Milton, Huw Bell, Peter Neville | Купить IELTS: Practice: Tests 1 (аудиокурс на 2 CD) | James Milton, Huw Bell, Peter Neville | Купить

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