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Идиома Weathering the Storm

Идиома Weathering the Storm To weather a storm означает испытать трудную, но временную плохую ситуацию. Поскольку трудные времена всегда проходят. Это напоминает как проходящий шторм.


"The Senator was under a cloud of suspicion, but no hard evidence was found. As a result, he was cleared of all wrongdoing. He had successfully weathered the storm."
«When Peter and Sue started their business they had very little money, butin a year they weathered the storm.»

«There have been highs and lows, but we've weathered the storm.»
« The economic crisis is expected to last until the end of the year. We'll all have to weather the storm until the economy gets better.»
« New England and the Mid-Atlantic area are mired in various degrees of slumps. Even the once-mighty California market has begun to crack. But Ryland seems to be weathering the storm. The company, which built 9,215 houses nationwide last year and is the nation's second-biggest home builder, is reaping the benefits of years of conservative management and careful diversification.»



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Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much.
Богат не тот, кто много имеет, а тот, кто много дает.

Fromm / Фромм
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